No Interest In Dating
I don't know what is wrong with me, ever since I left university, I have had no interest in women at all. I don't get the urge to talk to women and when I do, I end up making excuses as to why I take ages to reply. I've had a couple of shitty relationships but I don't think that is the reason. I am also not gay in the slightest so not that either. I can't explain it at all, I just get really bored of talking to girls. I don't even really think about sex that much. Last night I made up some bullshit to some girl I was supposed to meet and ended up letting her down. I ended up masturbating and telling her I was going asleep lol. She has been texting me all day to ask if I am okay and I can't even be bothered to reply. She is a nice girl that I have known for ages and is easily an 8 or 9 but I just don't seem to have any interest in her or anyone else. Only when I'm shit faced lol.

Welcome to r/datingadvice! Please keep the rules of r/datingadvice in mind while participating here. Try your best to be kind. Report any rule-breaking behavior to the moderators using the report button. If it's urgent, send us a message. We rely on user reports to find rule-breaking behavior quickly. She (f21) lost interest in me (m23) out of the blue. So, i met a girl last week and we talked for some days and then we go out on the saturday and slept together till sunday, she was lovely and everything i wanted till yeasterday, in some moment she started to ghost me, and i get to talk with her only hours and hours later, and she said 'i ain. Boyfriend 26M Family Has No Interest In Meeting Me (24F) I’ve been dating my significant other for about 15 months. We both are living at home due to COVID and live 30 minutes apart. He met my parents during week 2 of our relationship and has met my siblings + come to my house numerous times since. 34.3m members in the AskReddit community. R/AskReddit is the place to ask and answer thought-provoking questions. People always said 'women like established and successful men,' but I get no more romantic attention from women now than I did when I was a teenager. I can't get any matches and if I get any likes at all they're from women that have absolutely nothing in common with me. If I pay for boosts, I at most get 1 like from each boost and it's again.

Last week I even stood a girl up at the cinema because I said some family issues come up (lie). All that goes through my head is, 'I can't be bothered to entertain you' No Interest In Dating Chat
I used to be a known local music artist when I was younger (not now) and got a lot of attention (not now). I've loved one girl that ended badly. I never had to do much chasing when I was younger or at university. I hate the chase, It bores me. I think I am also very much of a mans man. I also like a really unique type of music and it doesn't appeal to many girls from my area. I can't bring myself to talk about bullshit that I don't care about. I won't sit there and talk about soaps or celebrities. I'm not that kind of person. Now it seems that every girl I talk to end up boring me. No matter what they are like, I know it's a bad problem but I don't know how to fix it. I think I must have some kind of mental health issue and I have come to accept that. All of my friends are getting married and having kids and I feel like I need to do the same and settle down but I really do not have the desire to. I sometimes meet a girl I know for sex but to be honest, I don't have sex with her to cure sexual frustration. It's more so my friends don't think I've ended up being a sad lonely guy, which is te reality lol. I think I am very image aware but even then, there is no desire to be with anyone else. Does anyone have a similar problem or am I alone in this?