Gallary Of Men In Dating Site

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Find Your Soulmate Online

Online dating is an open-source way to search for love, which has long been the norm. It is the best way of dating because you can carefully study the photos of a potential partner before you go on a date. Some people adore spending hours chatting on dating sites, studying each other’s characters, finding common topics for conversation, and then meeting in restaurants and cafes. The Internet provides plenty of opportunities for productive communication. And numerous online dating success statistics prove it.

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Dating App Statistics

In the modern world, acquaintances in the street, a cafe or a club become unpopular. But there is a new alternative – applications for dating. Of course, you can endlessly criticize or praise this trend, but the fact is that this way of dating is gaining more and more popularity every day. And here is dating apps statistics:

1. Dating apps are suitable for everyone. We know for sure that on a dating application, users are open to communication, contrary to people at parties or in coffee shops. And the dating statistics don’t lie: according to Tinder, 80% of users of the application are looking for a couple for a serious relationship.

2. You can look for love whenever you want. In addition to Valentine’s Day, people also look for a soulmate before the New Year! And it’s true. Who of us didn’t include it in plans for the future year? Maybe there is no such person. Most dating applications show a significant increase in use during the first two weeks of the New Year. Tinder, on the first Sunday of the year, had the largest increase in activity, for example, it was 12% in 2019.

3. Most chats end with a date. Unlike social networks, dating applications are created primarily for meeting new people. The advantage of such applications is that you can find people who are looking for a couple nearby. According to a study by the Pew Research Center, 66% of users of dating sites and applications go out on dates with those they met online. And the data from the Tinder application confirms that 63% of people who meet on the Internet go on dates 1-2 times a week. In total, thanks to applications, there are a million dates around the world every week.

4. Your job can’t prevent you from dating. You can be sociable, attractive and easy-going, but you spend the whole day at work, and it doesn’t give many chances to make new acquaintances. Statistics on online dating are very helpful here: millions of people of different professions find their soulmates thanks to dating apps. Interestingly, according to one famous dating site, among the most popular female professions, there is a photographer, a makeup artist, and a graphic designer, and the top three professions for men includes an entrepreneur, a producer, and a sports trainer.

Online Dating Success Statistics

The Internet binds us more and more firmly, while in the dynamic modern world, there is less time and space for real dating between people. For many of us, communication with the help of the World Wide Web is moving from the exotic to the usual format of establishing interpersonal relationships, including very close ones. Of course, the subsequent translation of this relationship into real life is not always successful. But if you belong to the 76% of those who had got acquainted via the Internet and didn’t run away from each other on the first date, then your acquaintance has rather high chances to become a full-fledged friendship, an exciting romantic adventure or even marriage.

1. Many people look for soulmates on the Internet. According to the results of the international survey of the statistical research center, which was attended by 17.5 thousand respondents in more than 18 countries of the world, approximately 78% of the surveyed participants were looking for regular partners through dating on the Internet.

2. Online dating often ends with marriage. Interesting results, confirming the effectiveness of virtual dating, were obtained during the experiment of the British psychologist Jeffrey Gavin. He decided to explore online dating with the help of regular visitors of popular dating sites. 29 young people from 19 to 26 years old acted as volunteers. The close relationship beyond cyberspace was continued by 21 of them, moreover, many of them decided to get married.

3. Marriage becomes much stronger. It is inexplicable, but online dating more often guarantees a strong marriage than dating in real life. Online dating marriage statistics indicate 6% of divorces in compression with 8% of those who got acquainted not on the Internet. Scientists promise to investigate this phenomenon in more detail. Online dating can end with marriage approximately in 39 cases. The Internet can shorten the dating time for you, but it doesn’t guarantee happiness in marriage, just like an agency or a professional matchmaker. However, thanks to the global network, you will be able to know your future partner much better.

4. Words of love are important. According to the online dating statistics, it is curious that women are more willing to meet a man if the content of his profile contains the words “love,” “children,” “romance” and “heart.”

5. It is convenient for everyone. A shocking fact for those who believe that online dating is only for people over thirty: half of the users are the segment of the population that is commonly called 'millennials.' About 44% of users are over twenty-five years old. Most of them have already had children.

Dangers of Online Dating Statistics

Online dating is the most popular way of communication in our time. It is so convenient to find the best girl (or guy) without leaving your home. But not everything is so simple. The virtual world provides tremendous opportunities not only for communication but also for lies. As a rule, many people want to look better in the eyes of potential partners, and sometimes they lie. Check out these dangers of online dating statistics:

1. Height. 22% of guys and only 10% of women lie about their height. When measuring the height of participants of a dating site, it was found that more than 50% of people had indicated false information about their height in profiles, and men, as a rule, had added themselves a few centimeters to seem taller.

2. Age. According to the statistics of online dating, almost a third of men don’t tell the truth about their age, and only 17% of women do the same. Most of them add or subtract a year or two, however, there are also those who correct their year of birth for as many as ten years.

3. Income. When people provide information about their wages, then, as a rule, they seek to increase it. Many men embellish their wealth by 20%, but the fact is that research confirms that it is important for women. Moreover, many men sincerely believe that this is the most acceptable lie, compared to all other points of the profile. Many experts advise their clients not to answer this question at all.

4. Position held. Income is not the only item on the dating sites that men like to embellish. 42% of men admit that they embellish some aspects of their work, especially the number of people subordinate to them. 32% of women also do this, but they prefer lowering their position.

5. Lifestyle. Another common lie that revolves around online dating sites is how people spend their time. The study showed that 16% of people ascribed to themselves a more interesting and diverse life than they actually have, 5% of them lied about their alleged travels, and another 5% bluffed about the brand of a car they had.

6. Relations with celebrities. Perhaps the most interesting discovery in the study of dating site statistics is that 3.3% of people attributed to themselves acquaintances with celebrities, and 3.7% wrote that they had allegedly met famous people at work. We live in a world ruled by advertising, television, and the cult of celebrity. By attributing to themselves such meetings, people try to seem more interesting and impress.

7. Marital status. 9% of women and 11% of men use dating sites being in a relationship or even in marriage. Such people immediately admit that they are lying to their spouses. Their goal is to have fun and get new impressions. This is not serious and dirty, no matter what intellectual motives they have. They just amuse their restrained pride. They don’t want to be responsible for the words, deeds, given promises and oaths. Such communication is like a quagmire, and it is very difficult to get out of the swamp. This is what can be related to the dating violence statistics because you will have a broken heart in the end. So, it’s better not to start!

Millennial Dating Statistics

Millennials or “two thousand generation,” “generation Y” are people born between 1980 and 2000, in the heyday of digital technology. Today they are from 19 to 39 years old. Life is generally much simpler for them: they are better aware of what they need from life, themselves, and partners. And, what is especially cool, these people have in their hands all the tools for realizing their desires and needs. Love is the only thing that millennials treat with responsibility. One famous dating site decided to conduct a survey and find out how young people (called millennials) relate to different ways of dating. It turned out that they don’t like to get acquainted on the street. But they treat dating applications and sites much better. As the millennial dating statistics indicated, 63% of respondents perceive this method as the most preferred one. The survey involved 2066 people from 19 to 39 years old, and here is what we have:

  • 45% of people installed dating apps at some stage of the search.
  • 17% met their current loved one on apps.
  • A third of respondents use apps and dating sites to search for “one-night sex or casual dating.”
  • More than 25% of respondents have built long-term relationships with the help of Tinder.
  • Women under the age of 29 rarely choose the same age men and men younger than them. They are looking for someone much older.
  • Girls aged from 30 to 39 years prefer male peers, and as soon as a lady turns 40, she begins to switch to men considerably younger.
  • It seems that at the age of 35, men simply cease to notice that their peers exist. They choose girls much younger. And the younger, the better. The absolute majority of men between the ages of 19 and 39 admitted that they consider women between the ages of 20 and 24 to be the most attractive.

But don’t worry because online dating facts and statistics are a rather subjective thing. And in general, if the sample involved several thousand people, then among them, there are certainly a hundred other people who would be delighted if you paid attention to them. And among them, there is surely the only one that you need so much.

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Happy holidays, everyone!! I’m back with another post in my series on being single. And since this time of the year can sometimes be a bit of a downer for singles, I thought we’d lighten the mood with the topic that never fails to entertain — online dating photos.

(Oh yes, we’re going there.)

To those of you out there who have tried online dating, and spent hours wading through profiles after profiles — especially profile pictures after pictures — this one’s for you.

To those of you who have never experienced the modern marvel that is online dating, believe me, I couldn’t make some of this stuff up if I tried.

But for the general good of the online dating world, and to hopefully offer some help to all of those handsome bachelors out there considering a bathroom selfie, I would like to offer this helpful little list of 10 photos guys should NOT post for online dating. Yes, yes, I know that we girls have our own set of cliche photos (hello, feet in the sand?), thus a special girls’ edition will follow soon.

Now before you all start emailing me about being Judgy McJudgerson, please know right off that this is all in good fun. Grain of salt, people. Especially you men today — I respect you and know that you’re bravely putting yourself out there on online dating with the best of intentions. But boy oh boy, have your photos made my day on more than a number of occasions. ;)

So for any guys out there getting Matched, EHarmonized, Fished a Plenty, struck with an OK arrow from Cupid, Mingling with Christians and more right now, I invite you to put down your weights, take off those sunglasses, and enjoy this post.

1. The Bathroom Mirror Selfie

Or usually — the string of multiple bathroom selfies. Often with wardrobe changes. Usually with the attempted sexy “smoldering” look. And mind you, always with a toilet in the background. Because what’s more sexy than a toilet in the background?

Oh men, I know that the bathroom is probably the home to the largest mirror in your house, so I get why the bathroom selfies would theoretically be a good idea. (Ok, it’s a stretch, but I get it.) Remember though that this is our first impression of you. And where do first impressions take place in real life? Definitely not in your bathroom. So step away from the shower, hand your friend a camera, and let us see you in your best non-bathroom light. ;)

2. The Macho, Macho Man

Gallary Of Men In Dating Site

Sorry to break it to you guys, but we aren’t looking for tickets to the “gun show” in your profiles. Nor pics of you dripping sweat (and smelling lovely, we’re sure) at the gym. Nor do you need to highlight in every section of your bio that you workout, count “going to the gym” as your top hobby, or are “looking for a girl who values physical fitness”.

Gallary Of Men In Dating Site

Trust us, we think it’s super cool that you take care of yourself and stay in shape. And if sports or working out are big parts of your life, then awesome — post that classic photo of you and your buds crawling through the mud to the finish line or playing volleyball or biking in that triathlon. Those are fun! But the sweaty guy pics and your bench press number can, um, stay at the gym.

3. The Man Without A Face

Ok, we totally get that you often wear sunglasses or hats when you are outside. We do too! Cheers to hipster apparel and protecting your skin and eyes from those harmful UV rays, right?

But when it comes to posting photos online, just nix them both. There are endless photos of unidentifiable men on online dating sites, and if we see those, we’ll pass right over them. Because the eyes are the window to the soul right?

Indeed. We want to see nothing less than your soul. :)

4. The Where’s Waldo

Oh my gosh. That’s super cool that you’ve traveled to the mountains! And swam on the beach! And scaled an iceberg in Alaska! And hiked Machu Pichu! And worked with the Peace Corps in Africa!

But photos upon photos of vast landscapes and a teeeeeny tiny you (if you’re in there at all)?

Ok, ok, maybe post one or two for travel cred. But otherwise, focus on the photos that have you in focus, and save the rest for a little photo slide show on date night #3 at your place. Then we can snuggle up and you can tell travel stories for hours. Way more fun, right?

5. The Car

I’m pretty sure that every girl’s dating profile does not include a photo of her with her car. But I’ll bet that about 90% of guys’ do. What is it with guys and their cars?!?

Ok, I know, rhetorical question. But seriously guys, if you think you’re going to impress us with your sweet ride, think again. We just want to know that you have some wheels to drive us to dinner. ;)

6. The Ex-Girlfriend Crop

Double points if Photoshop was used to blur or blacken the ex out. Triple points if you crop out girls on either side of you. Quadruple points if the photo from your previous wedding (oh yes, they’re out there).

I don’t care if it’s the most flattering photo of you ever. If a girl’s in the photo, we are going to assume that (unless clearly captioned) this is your most recent ex. And your attractiveness immediately turns into awkwardness, which turns into ahhh-let’s-just-move-onto-the-next-profile-ness. Sorry, Charlie.

So the solution to this one is easy — just find some other great photos to post! Trust us, anything will be better than the awkward unidentifiable blonde hair on your shoulder.

7. The Shirtless

Just as your mother probably told you at age 3 — “Son, get your clothes back on!!”

Here’s the thing. If we meet you at a party or a wedding or a coffee shop, I’m pretty positive that you are always going to be fully dressed for that first impression. So why it seems reasonable for you to throw half-naked photos all over your profile is a wee bit perplexing, to say the least.

So even if you have the best abs ever (and especially if you don’t), just be a gent and put your clothes on — some nice, buttoned-up, normal clothes that your mother would approve of. Keep it classy, San Diego.

8. The Hunter

Bloody dead animals that you shot and killed and hold up as a trophy for the world to know that you know how to hunt?

Totally a turn-on.

Oh wait.

9. The Mustache

Ok, I’m prepped and know I’m probably going to get a lot of flack on this one. And I know that many of you No-Shave-November fans are in it for a good cause.

But unless it’s November, or unless you’re a super hipster who really knows how to rock a mustache (and even that can be debatable), it’s probably best to play it safe and either go all (beard) or nothin’ (nothin’). Not worth the risk.

10. The Beer Fanatic

(Ok, I thought it’d be nice to include at least one decent photo of my friend, GQ-model, and extremely-good-sport, Nate.)

But this final one is just a little reminder that your online dating profile should be advertising you, not your favorite beer. I’m all for enjoying drinks with friends, and posting a photo or two to document said enjoyment is NBD. But when you’re holding a beer in everysinglephoto? Maybe just a bit of a red flag.

So put your coozie down, and grab a glass of water every now and then. You know, gotta stay hydrated after those other beers…

The Runners Up

  • The Dog Lover – Yes, we would love to see a photo of Fido and know that you’re a dog lover (a definite “plus” in my book). But honestly, there’s usually a checkmark for pets somewhere in your profile, and one photo or mention will suffice. So save that long string of dog photos for your Instagram feed.
  • The Which-One-ARE-You? – Photos of you unidentified in a crowd surrounded by friends? Ok, a couple of those are cool. Shows you have a social life. But for heaven’s sakes, help us figure out which one you are! That’s what captions are for. (Ex. “This is a photo of the groomsmen at my sister’s wedding — I’m the third one from the left.”) See, look how easy that was?
  • The Lone Ranger – On the flipside, profiles that include photos of you and only you are also a little suspect. Do you have friends? Do you care about other people? A sociable mix is definitely a good idea.
  • The Unidentified Baby/Kid Lover – Similar to above, unless a baby is identified, we are going to assume that it’s yours. If it is, then congratulations, and please note that with a caption. If it’s your niece or nephew or best-friend’s-cousin’s-girlfriend’s kid, then you’d best note that as well.
  • The Rich Man – Posting any photos related to money, listing your income (or income bracket), talking about investments, or anything else related to your income always makes me cringe a bit. Do you really want to share that information with the entire online world? I know some may disagree, but I for one recommend keeping those financials to yourself, unless you want to attract the sort of person who’s in it just for that.

Feel free to also check out these other posts about being single:

Disclaimer: Again, please know that ALL of these are in good fun. I tried online dating a few times in the past, and am sure that my lovely profile pics went check-check-check down the upcoming girls edition of this list. It seems to be how we humans roll, especially when trying to complete an online dating profile that’s horribly awkward to begin with.

So, grain.of.salt., friends. But hope you enjoy.

Also, big thanks to a bunch of friends for chiming in on the topic. And BIG thanks again to Nate for being a model-for-an-hour. I’m pretty sure he would never post these photos on an online dating site. Except maybe the ‘stache photo, since I think he and most of the world highly approve of #9. ;)

Ok, now it’s your turn! Items you’d add to this list? Agree or disagree? Stories to tell? ReadysetGO!